Saturday, December 7

Author: himal

A winter School on Particle Physics

News & Notice
Winter School on Particle Physics Jan 17-19, 2020, Kathmandu, Nepal Date: January 22, 2020 We, the NSWIP family, are pleased to inform you that NSWIP has provided collaborative support to three days “A winter School on Particle Physics” organized by Sifal Secondary School of Deerwalk group on 17-19 January 2020 at Deerwalk premises, Kathmandu. Other collaborators and supporters were European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Nepal Academy of Science & Technology (NAST) and Research Center for Applied Science & Technology (RECAST). There were around 60 students of different schools from grade 10 to 12, and seemed very excited of virtual visit to ATLAS experiment and interact with ATLAS  physicists. The Winter School was relevant and helpful to high school stud...

IUPAP Newsletter

News & Notice
IUPAP Newsletter The summary of Second Regional Conference on Women in Physics(RCWIPN-2019) was published in IUPAP Newsletter. Please follow the link below to learn about it or to get more details on RCWIPN-2019, please click here.
Our Gallery

Our Gallery

Second Regional Conference for Women in Physics, Nepal (RCWIPN) Below are some of the images from Second Regional Conference for Women in Physics, Nepal held in March 27-29, 2019. Here is the link of photo collection from RCWIPN-2019. >>>> [Photo Book credit to Prof. Michael and Prof. Heidi. Thank you.]

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