Saturday, February 8

A winter School on Particle Physics

Winter School on Particle Physics Jan 17-19, 2020, Kathmandu, Nepal Date: January 22, 2020 We, the NSWIP family, are pleased to inform you that NSWIP has provided collaborative support to three days “A winter School on Particle Physics” organized by Sifal Secondary School of Deerwalk group on 17-19 January 2020 at Deerwalk premises, Kathmandu. Other collaborators and supporters were European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Nepal Academy of Science & Technology (NAST) and Research Center for Applied Science & Technology (RECAST). There were around 60 students of different schools from grade 10 to 12, and seemed very excited of virtual visit to ATLAS experiment and interact with ATLAS  physicists. The Winter School was relevant and helpful to high school students.  Mr. Bhusan Joshi from CERN had given a talk on how the CERN can help to high school students and shown some experimental lab of CERN.   The event was a wonderful and successfully organized. We, on behalf of the society, would like to thank the CERN for sponsoring the event, NAST and RECAST for their great support. The Deerwalk team especially Mr. Bijaya Kumar Shrestha, the Principal of the school and Mr. Ujjwal Paudel, head of the Science Department are thankful for their continuous hard work to make the event great success. The event could not have been organized without of the untiring efforts of all of you. We suggested to build a link for ‘Teachers –Research Nexus’, so that most of the students could gain the knowledge on research activities that ultimately enhance and promote the STEM education in Nepal. Since Physics is an essential branch of STEM education, as we all know, many technologies have been developed under physics. We can see that many students develop their skills and knowledge through online audio visual teaching methods in shorter span of time. Thank you again for being the part of this event and congratulation to all graduates of “Winter School on Particle Physics”. I am very excited about the possibility of organizing next Summer school for high school students. President Nilam Shrestha Pradhan  

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